Neighborhood Network for Seniors provides a wide variety of free and low-cost services.
PLEASE NOTE: We serve seniors and caregivers in the following neighborhoods ONLY: Highland Park, MacGroveland, Lexington-Hamline, Merriam Park, and Summit University.
We are able to accept cash and check. All services are provided free of charge (with the exception of Foot Care). For more information, please call us at 651-646-2301 or complete this form.
Home Safety Check
When staff meet with seniors and families to discuss their needs, a care plan is designed for each senior that may include a variety of volunteer support or professional referral services. A Home Safety Assessment is also completed at intake.
Home Chore Assistance including Seasonal Yard Work and Occasional Snow Shoveling
Our trained volunteers can help with spring and fall yard clean up, the occasional chore (e.g. installing window AC units), and help around the house.
Computer/Technology Help
Technologies today enable people to stay connected and promote interactions among individuals with similar interests. Families and caregivers also benefit from technology in the care of an older adult.
Friendly Visitor
Volunteers provide valuable services such as transportation to and from appointments, chore support (including season leaf raking and snow shoveling), and friendship. Additional services could include: grocery shopping assistance, meal preparation, plant care, pet care, and telephone reassurance.
Rides to Medical Appointments
Our amazing volunteers provide seniors with rides to and from medical appointments. To be eligible for a general medical or dental appointment ride you must be aged 65 or older, live in our service area, and give us 1-2 weeks notice before the appointment to schedule a ride. We will put in the request and let you know if we have a volunteer driver available within 1-2 business days.
Please note: We do not provide rides to surgeries or procedures (such as colonoscopies) that the clinic, doctor's office, or hospital require you to have a driver for.
Service Referrals
With 30 years of experience in the neighborhood, staff can provide recommendations for healthcare, home services, and more.
Blood Pressure Checks
Our Outreach Nurse can provide regular blood pressure checks.
In-Home Foot Care (Non-Diabetic)
Our Outreach Nurse will come to your home and provide foot care for non-diabetic seniors. Foot care includes cleaning feet, trimming nails, and massaging for circulation. There is a flat fee of $35. You have the option to pay with cash/check or online.
In-Home Health Assessment
Our Outreach Nurse will provide a free in-home nurse visit to discuss your health concerns and goals and help you develop an individualized plan.
Falls Prevention
Falls are a common and serious health issue for older people, with around a third of all people aged 65 and over falling each year, increasing to half of those aged 80 and over. Some medical conditions can also cause you to be more likely to fall. Fortunately, there are a whole host of things that can be done to help prevent falls and fractures.
Community Education Seminars
NNfS offers education seminars designed for caregivers, seniors, and family members, as well as the general public. These Coffee Breaks cover topics including estate planning, Alzheimer's, and self-care. We feature guest speakers on health/wellness issues, birthday celebrations and time to socialize! Refreshments are provided. A Nurse is In/Blood Pressure Clinic is also offered.